My long term friends at Ernest Journal are building up to a triumphant milestone for a independent publication, their 10th issue! I have been fortunate enough to work from them since issue 1, they have been instrumental to my career as a map illustrator.
They had some amazing sponsors lined up but sadly they have had to postpone their funding as a result of the recent pandemic. However, the irrepressible ‘Team Ernest’ have not let this hold them back and have launched a bejewelled crowdfunder campaign full of amazing goodies to raise money to send issue 10 to print!
One of the goodies available is a Trail tea enamel mug gift set, illustrated by myself, the two enamel mugs engraved by ‘Cut by Beam’ in Cornwall, you also will get a copy of issue 10.
If you are a fan and have some spare change then please do donate and snap up some really cool goodies!